Purpose Driven Life Day 14
Home Group Meeting – 10/5/2005
Introduction and partner picking for newcomers
Brief Review of last week
Last week we covered:
Day 10 - The heart of worship: Although the world “surrender” carries a negative meaning in most contexts, it is the heart of worship. The story of Jericho (Joshua 5:13 – 6:21) shows how surrender could lead to victory. By surrendering, we do not stop what we are supposed to do. Instead, we do them with more strength.
Day 11 & 12 - Becoming best friends with God: The difference between servant and friend is a servant does not know his master’s business, but a friend does (John 15:14-15). God wants us to be His friend and demonstrated it by dying for us. The ball is in our court: how can we make friend with God?
And started with Day 13 –Worship that pleases God
For Q1, we read Mark 12:30 (Mathew 22:37, Luke 10:27) and Deuteronomy 6:6-9.
For this week we will continue with the questions of Day 13
Day 13 –Worship that pleases God
Q2. Which is easier for you – public or private worship? In which do you usually feel closer to God?
Q3. What does “God’s worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24) mean to you?
Day 14 – When God Seems Distant
“I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I can not find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I turn to the south, but I can not find him. But he knows where I am going. And when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent.” Job 23:8-10
Q1. Did you ever feel God seemed distant? What did you learn from such a time?
For Week 2:
Q. Did it surprise you that making friend with God is worshiping God? Why?
Sharing time
From this week’s reading, do you have a passage from the book or from the bible that you want to share?
A song to share – Footprints
Prayer time
This is the summary.
The Summary for Jubon HG on Sept. 28th
Jubon HG on Sept. 28th. @ Mindy`s
Members: Anna(new member), James, Jean & Thomas, Jose, Katie(new member), Kei, Mindy, Ninih, Sylvia, and Atsuo
Dinner: Nikujaga and Meat Sauce by Kei and Mindy (Thank you)
Discussion: Purpose Driven Life Day 10 to Day 14
Day 10- The Heart of Worship
Q. What is keeping people from surrendering your life to God?
A. - Fear, Pride and Confusion… i.g. Having fear of the thought that God may not forgive your sin. / Having unnecessary pride that you’re reluctant to commend full of yourself to God, etc
Day 11- Becoming Best Friends w/ God
God invites us to enjoy friendship and fellowship with all three person on the Trinity: Our Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. (p 86)
The term `Friend` in here is used `Friend` from more of God`s point of view.
Key to the Best friends w/ God: Constant Conversation and continual meditation
Day 12- Developing Your Friendship w/ God
Q1. How is the `friendship` w/ God similar or different to other?
A. It is similar in nature like parental unconditional love to their children but different magnitude. (More intimate, closer and helpful?!)
Q2. ・(Constant Conversation) ・(Continual Meditation)
・Be honest w/ God ・Obey God in Faith
・Value what God Values ・Desire friendship w/ God more than anything
*These are keys to the friendship w/ God. The word `Obey` sounds a bit strong but… it is `Worshipping` to us.
Day 13- Worship that pleases God
`Love God w/ all your heart, soul, mind, and strength`
This verse is repeated in different part of bible. (Deuteronomy 6:6
Mark: 12:30, Mathew 22:37, Luke 10:27)
Q1. What to do with this verse?
A. Never forget this at all time. Teach to others. Repeat it at all time
Q2. Public or Private Worship?
A. Feel the closest in private (empty sanctuary at TUC) yet more joyful w/ others.
*Worship not for your benefit but others and to the glory of God. Do not become self-righteous but humble server to God.
* Reflection: Try to start a discussion at a fixed time.
Introduction and partner picking for newcomers
Brief Review of last week
Last week we covered:
Day 10 - The heart of worship: Although the world “surrender” carries a negative meaning in most contexts, it is the heart of worship. The story of Jericho (Joshua 5:13 – 6:21) shows how surrender could lead to victory. By surrendering, we do not stop what we are supposed to do. Instead, we do them with more strength.
Day 11 & 12 - Becoming best friends with God: The difference between servant and friend is a servant does not know his master’s business, but a friend does (John 15:14-15). God wants us to be His friend and demonstrated it by dying for us. The ball is in our court: how can we make friend with God?
And started with Day 13 –Worship that pleases God
For Q1, we read Mark 12:30 (Mathew 22:37, Luke 10:27) and Deuteronomy 6:6-9.
For this week we will continue with the questions of Day 13
Day 13 –Worship that pleases God
Q2. Which is easier for you – public or private worship? In which do you usually feel closer to God?
Q3. What does “God’s worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24) mean to you?
Day 14 – When God Seems Distant
“I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I can not find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I turn to the south, but I can not find him. But he knows where I am going. And when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent.” Job 23:8-10
Q1. Did you ever feel God seemed distant? What did you learn from such a time?
For Week 2:
Q. Did it surprise you that making friend with God is worshiping God? Why?
Sharing time
From this week’s reading, do you have a passage from the book or from the bible that you want to share?
A song to share – Footprints
Prayer time
This is the summary.
The Summary for Jubon HG on Sept. 28th
Jubon HG on Sept. 28th. @ Mindy`s
Members: Anna(new member), James, Jean & Thomas, Jose, Katie(new member), Kei, Mindy, Ninih, Sylvia, and Atsuo
Dinner: Nikujaga and Meat Sauce by Kei and Mindy (Thank you)
Discussion: Purpose Driven Life Day 10 to Day 14
Day 10- The Heart of Worship
Q. What is keeping people from surrendering your life to God?
A. - Fear, Pride and Confusion… i.g. Having fear of the thought that God may not forgive your sin. / Having unnecessary pride that you’re reluctant to commend full of yourself to God, etc
Day 11- Becoming Best Friends w/ God
God invites us to enjoy friendship and fellowship with all three person on the Trinity: Our Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. (p 86)
The term `Friend` in here is used `Friend` from more of God`s point of view.
Key to the Best friends w/ God: Constant Conversation and continual meditation
Day 12- Developing Your Friendship w/ God
Q1. How is the `friendship` w/ God similar or different to other?
A. It is similar in nature like parental unconditional love to their children but different magnitude. (More intimate, closer and helpful?!)
Q2. ・(Constant Conversation) ・(Continual Meditation)
・Be honest w/ God ・Obey God in Faith
・Value what God Values ・Desire friendship w/ God more than anything
*These are keys to the friendship w/ God. The word `Obey` sounds a bit strong but… it is `Worshipping` to us.
Day 13- Worship that pleases God
`Love God w/ all your heart, soul, mind, and strength`
This verse is repeated in different part of bible. (Deuteronomy 6:6
Mark: 12:30, Mathew 22:37, Luke 10:27)
Q1. What to do with this verse?
A. Never forget this at all time. Teach to others. Repeat it at all time
Q2. Public or Private Worship?
A. Feel the closest in private (empty sanctuary at TUC) yet more joyful w/ others.
*Worship not for your benefit but others and to the glory of God. Do not become self-righteous but humble server to God.
* Reflection: Try to start a discussion at a fixed time.
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